\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TRIFOLD COVER \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Fedora helps you DO what you want to do. Play a game? Build a robot? Write a novel? Make a movie? Whatever it is that you like to do, Fedora and open source software can give you a way. Not only that, it's completely free to use, study, and share. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TRIFOLD INSIDE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ==What is "free and open source software"?== Sometimes software is made by just one company. They're the only ones that can see or change the code that makes your software do things. Then the company charges you money for the finished project. You can run it, but you probably don't have a lot of say in what it's like or how to make it better, much less what it costs. Free and open source software is built differently. Not only can you use it, but you can also be a part of the community that makes it. Wish your software did this or that? You have a say. And you don't have to be a programmer to be a part of the community. Software projects need writers, designers, marketing people, and other kinds of help as well. ==What's Fedora?== Fedora is a Linux-based operating system--a collection of software that makes your computer run. You can use Fedora in addition to, or instead of, other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Mac OS X™. The Fedora operating system is completely free of cost for you to enjoy and share. The Fedora Project is the name of a worldwide community of people who love, use, and build free software. It is is sponsored by Red Hat, the world's most trusted provider of open source technology. Red Hat invests in Fedora to encourage collaboration and incubate innovative new free software technologies. Read more and download Fedora at : fedoraproject.org/en/about-fedora